helping your

brain grow &


through play.

We offer a combination of Mind/Art Adventures designed through our research, with a curriculum developed by the Building Brains Together program at the University of Lethbridge’s Neuroscience Lab. They also integrate The Brain Story as foundational research in their work. As we grow, we integrate more materials from amazing partners, like Dr. Britt’s Brain Smoothies from the Telus Science Centre.

There are 89 different mental health literacy, mindfulness, emotion and cognition development games to choose from. From classic “Simon Says” -recess fun to exploring Indigenous traditions, we support your group’s learning and growth through play.

*The games below have more complex themes, with the intended audience of 13+ years and up. That being said, the games below can be modified for younger groups.

fear ball

Developing mental health literacy

Imagine a pop-up batting cage combined with mental wellbeing exercises! This game is a hit in both indoor and outdoor environments. Best for ages 5 and up, we focus on supporting mental health awareness, mindfulness, and supporting the relationship between individuals.

Why’d they do that?

Character building through discovery

This combines elements of creative problem-solving with supportive dialogue exercises, helping to bridge the gap in mental health awareness. We create a safe space for a 2-way conversation in circle discussion-style that empowers confidence when accessing mental health support.

creating meaning

Using storytelling to demonstrate brain function

Our brains are natural storytellers, bridging the gap between what we know and what we think we know. We recognize the existing skills that exist in youth and kids, using storytelling exercises to show how we might set ourselves up for success or disappointment.

How things move

Developing physical balance & mindfulness

In this game, we explore the various movements of imagined animals, plants, and things. Through designed exercises kids move their bodies and enact different behaviours and responses, learning new ways to handle toxic stress and pressure.

bowling for happiness

Developing mental health literacy

This fun and engaging game works best for youth aged 5 and up, as we playfully explore coping mechanisms and choices about how we support our mental wellbeing. Played both indoors and outdoors, in all seasons, we hear that laughter can be great medicine.

mindful arts & crafts

Introspective exploration & creative self-expression

This set of activities utilizes concepts and images from our research to allow youth to explore at their own pace. Using the expressive tools, they can “speak” to their understanding of mental wellbeing or the impact of experiences on their state of mind.